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Monthly Archives: December 2024

5 Tips on How to Prevent Skin Cancer

5 Tips on How to Prevent Skin Cancer Every year brings We love the outdoors, but even in winter, there is a significant risk for skin cancer.  1. Use sunscreen all year round. Many of us instinctively use sunscreen in the summer, but we skip it in the

Treating Acne Scars After They Develop

Treating Acne Scars After They Develop If you know that you already have acne scars, you may not be able to use traditional skincare products to address them. Instead, treatments might involve the following procedures. Laser treatments are perhaps the most effective treatment for acne scars.

Ptosis requires immediate treatment

Ptosis requires immediate treatment Ptosis Common problem that affects people of all ages and genders and has varying degrees of severity. If you recognize the abnormality and seek treatment promptly, it will help reduce the impact on your vision and give you a chance of