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Category Archives: Beauty & Health

Supplements “Iron” Prevent “Anemia”

Taking daily iron supplements can help manage iron Prevent anemia, though high doses can cause some side effects such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, and dark stools. Iron is a mineral that produces red blood cells and helps carry oxygen around the body. There are

Face mask recipes before bed. Leave the mask overnight

Face mask recipes before bed. Leave the mask overnight and wake up with 5 beautiful skin. Want to wake up with beautiful skin? Come revitalize your skin overnight with 5 face mask recipes before bed as follows! It can be said that it is a mask made from

What are the different benefits type “banana”?

What are the different benefits and harms of each type of “banana“? Bananas, bananas, bananas, and other types of bananas have the same key nutrients, but some things are different. Some people’s health may be more suitable for certain types of bananas. As a consumer We all know

Potatoes have more benefits than just “starch” that makes you fat.

Potatoes have more benefits than just “starch” that makes you fat. Useful nutrients in potatoes There is much more than just “flour” as many people understand. Even though people who are watching their weight try to avoid potatoes seriously, in reality, eating potatoes doesn’t make you fat like we

5 good benefits from “Yanang” skin detox-reduces blood sugar

5 good benefits from “Yanang” skin detox-reduces blood sugar Who likes to eat bamboo shoots? You may often hear the word “Yanang”. Because it is a plant that is boiled together with bamboo shoots. To make it taste bitter of bamboo shoots has decreased The boiled water came out green. It may

10 ways to get rid of cough as quickly as possible

10 ways to get rid of cough as quickly as possible Colds, asthma, dry throat, respiratory tract infections, acid reflux , allergies, smoking, tuberculosis, bronchial emphysema to the side effects of certain drugs These are the reasons why we have a cough, either dry cough, productive cough, or chronic

Why do we always “yawn”? Is it dangerous?

Why do we always “yawn“? Is it dangerous? When “yawning”, people around you tend to say that you slept late last night? Haven’t you got enough sleep lately? Or if we are sitting and talking and we yawn You might be told that you’re bored? In fact, why

Lard vs vegetable oil, which one is more useful?

Lard vs vegetable oil, which one is more useful? After becoming another hot topic in the social world that lard is better than vegetable oil from the research results of foreign doctors But there are some who still believe that Vegetable oil must be better than lard. Because we have

Love the sweet type! “Strawberries” can help you lose weight.

Love the sweet type! “Strawberries” can help you lose weight. Strawberry is a fruit that can be easily bought both in Thailand and in Japan. In addition to being delicious and valuable to beauty. Japanese people also use strawberries as a weight loss aid. Let’s know the benefits of