Almonds help reduce cholesterol.

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Many people believe that almonds are beneficial in reducing the levels of bad cholesterol (LDL). Since 24 almonds contain 13 grams of unsaturated fatty acids. That help reduce bad cholesterol, eating almonds may help reduce cholesterol. Which is a risk factor for heart disease and diabetes. This has been widely studied. In one study, participants with high levels of bad cholesterol were given 43 grams of almonds per day. While another group ate the same amount of calories but reduced the amount of good cholesterol. The results showed that eating helped people with normal weight maintain their levels of good cholesterol (HDL).UFABET 

In addition, eating almonds may help increase levels of HDL cholesterol. Which controls the level of bad cholesterol. Another study divided 150 coronary artery disease patients with low levels of good HDL cholesterol into two groups: A control group and an almond group. The latter group had to eat 10 grams of peeled almonds that had soaked in water overnight before breakfast every day. After blood tests, weights, and blood pressure were taken, the patients who ate almonds had a 12-14 percent increase in their HDL cholesterol levels at 6 weeks and another 14-16 percent increase at 12 weeks. They also had a decrease in their total cholesterol, triglycerides, and bad cholesterol levels.

However, the study did not show any difference in body weight or blood pressure between the two groups. Another study in coronary artery disease patients also showed that almonds did not have any beneficial effect on blood lipid levels. Patients who ate 85 grams per day did not show any changes in blood lipid levels, blood vessel function, or inflammation in the body.